Spaying and neutering, also commonly referred to as getting your dog "fixed," are routine surgical procedures that offer significant health benefits for your pet. These procedures can help prevent serious health problems like reproductive cancers and infections. Before visiting Clearwater Animal Clinic in Clearwater, FL, learn what to expect during spaying and neutering below:

Before Surgery

A pre-operative appointment is essential to evaluate your dog’s suitability for surgery. During this appointment, our veterinarians will perform a thorough physical examination, discuss your pet's medical history with you, and answer any questions you may have. Depending on your dog's age and overall health, pre-anesthetic bloodwork may be recommended. We will also provide you with detailed instructions on pre-surgical fasting requirements.

The Day of Surgery

On the day of surgery, you will bring your dog to the animal hospital. Our veterinarians in Clearwater, FL, will administer anesthesia and perform the spay or neuter procedure. Spaying typically involves removing the ovaries and uterus, while neutering involves removing the testicles. Both procedures are minimally invasive and typically take less than an hour.

After Surgery

Following the procedure, your canine will be closely monitored until it is fully awake and stable. You will then be able to take them home with detailed post-operative care instructions. These instructions typically involve restricting activity for a period of time, monitoring the incision site for signs of infection, and administering any prescribed pain medication. A follow-up appointment will be scheduled within ten to fourteen days to make sure your pet is healing properly.

Contact Clearwater Animal Clinic for an Appointment Today

If you are considering spaying or neutering, contact Clearwater Animal Clinic in Clearwater, FL, at (727) 584-1151 today. We are happy to tell you more about these surgeries and set you up with a consultation. When you need a veterinarian near me, our team looks forward to assisting you!


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